Key Information
- Formal Name: San Juan Fire Protection District #3
- Organized: 1958 under Title 52 Revised Code of Washington
- Elected Board of Fire Commissioners: Dwight Colley (Chair), Warren Appleton (Vice-Chair), Alexa Rust
- Board Meetings: The 2nd Tuesday each month @ 3:00PM.
see Governance page for details
District Population (2021):
- Registered Voters: 7,052
- Permanent: 9,000 (est.)
- Summer Effective Population: 21,000 (est.);
District Area: 61 Sq. Miles - San Juan Island, including Town of Friday Harbor, as well as Brown, Henry, Johns, Pearl, Spieden, and Stuart Islands.

Administrative Staff
- Fire Chief, EFO: Noel Monin
- Administrative Assistant: Robin K. Garcia
- Fleet Maintenance Officer: Tad Lean
- Training Officer: Karl Kuetzing
Finance (2024)
- Assessed Valuation of property within District: $6,585,462,771
- Levy rate: $0.2983844975 per $1000 assessed value
- District Funding: $1,965,000.00 from Regular Levy
- State Audit: Accountability Report 2018
see County Assessor and Governance page for details and budgets
Staff & Volunteer Responders (Jan 2022)
- Volunteer EMTs and/or Firefighters: 32
- Volunteer Support Personnel: 12
- Part Time Firefighters/EMTs: 5
- Full Time Firefighters/EMTs: 7
- Total Active Members: 56
- Emergency Phone Number: 9-1-1
- Department Non-Emergency Phone Number: (360) 378-5334
- Dispatch Non Emergency: (360) 378-4151
see Contact page for details
Insurance Providers and Washington Survey & Ratings Bureau
- WSRB Report: Town of Friday Harbor: Class 6 (2020)
- WSRB Report: Unincorporated District: Class 6 (2020)
- WSRB Media Release (2020)
District Facilities & Apparatus
Station locations:
- Station 31: Friday Harbor (staffed 24/7)
- Station 32: Cape San Juan
- Station 33: Bailer Hill/Little Mnt.
- Station 34: Sunset Point
- Station 35: Roche Harbor
- Station 36: Eagle Crest
Equipment Caches: Brown, Henry, Johns, Pearl, and Stuart Islands
Emergency Apparatus:
- 6 - Type 1 Engines
(1000 gal tank, 1000gpm pump, dump tank)
- 1 - Quint Ladder
(500 gal tank, 1000gpm pump)
- 1 - Type 3 Brush Engine
- 1 - Type 5 Brush Engine
- 1 - Type 6 Brush Engine
- 1 - Water Tender
(2500 gal tank, 500 gpm pump)
- 1 - Water Tender
(2000 gal tank, 500 gpm pump)
- 1 - Light Rescue
- 1 - 25’ Fast Response Boat
(500 gpm pump)
- 4 - Command Vehicles
- 1 - Mobile Mechanic Vehicle
- 1 - Utility Vehicle
- 6 - Type 1 Engines