VIN: 5N1ED28Y5Y2576012 Minimum Bid on this vehicle is $2500

Bids will be accepted starting today, Monday, December 6, 2021 – and the bid process ends and is closed on bids Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 5:00 PM. No bids will be reviewed until AFTER the bid process is closed.

Please send an email with your bid to:

In the email subject please state: Bid on Nissan Xterra. Please include your name, phone number and your email address and your bid price.

The highest bidder will be notified on Monday, December 20, 2021. The sale of the vehicle will be as is, no warranty or any other guarantees. If the highest bidder declines the sale, the next highest bidder will be notified.

Sorry, no test drives are allowed due to safety requirements. You may schedule an inspection time where you will be able to start the vehicle and you can have a mechanic come to do an inspection during your scheduled time.

For questions or to set up a time to see the vehicle please email:

back view
back view
driver front
driver front
trunk and extras
trunk and extras
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back seat
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front seat